How to fix Squarespace blog pagination on mobile

Have you noticed that the blog post pagination links that help people go to the next article look super squished on mobile screens?

Yeah, I didn’t like the look of that either, so I figured out a way to fix it. 😎 

With just a few lines of CSS, you can stack your pagination link neatly on top of each other, making it a breeze for your readers to navigate your blog's content. 

The codes that you need are below, but I also made you a quick tutorial video that will teach you how to use them.

A quick side note - these codes ALSO stack the pagination on a project page, so if you have a portfolio that you don’t want this look to be on, be sure to install this on the blog itself inside page header code injection. You’ll find more information on that technique in the related resources below.

@media only screen and(max-width: 640px){
.item-pagination--prev-next {
flex-direction: column!important

margin-bottom: 40px

Squarespace Circle Leader & Creator of

How to create a numbered accordion block